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Manufacturers in China

Many companies envision the possibility of importing from Asian countries to reduce their costs, but they identify some initial barriers:

- The immense amount of potential suppliers on the sites and directories;
- The existence of some companies that are called factories but only exist virtually;
- Little command of business English;
- Unfamiliarity of Asian business culture;
- Large time zone difference, making effective communication difficult for questions that arise;
- Insecurity of traveling alone to an unknown country.

In this scenario, the best cost-benefit solution is to hire a company that has a structure in Asia to support the choice of the best suppliers, identify fair prices, estimate production and transport time (lead time) and simulate the final cost of the product. With this information in hand, it is safe to fit Asian supply to the company's purchasing policy. This approach may predate a future trip to China.

AKHI is able to perform the following services:

Supplier Search 

- Location of suppliers for the desired product, with due analysis of suitability and request for photos, catalogs and certificates.

Import simulation

- Request for product prices and logistics operators;
- Search for production and transport time information (lead time);
- Analysis of the NCM, taxes, fees and any import licenses;
- Issuance of estimated final cost spreadsheet.

Sample request

- Request for samples from specific factories to be sent to Brazil.

Virtual visit to Fairs and Exhibitions 

- We move a person in China to visit the desired fair in search of the products requested by the importer. During this visit, there is an intense exchange of communication with the person who is visiting the fair, who constantly takes photos and makes video and phone calls to Brazil, all so that the importer is very active in searches and discoveries. After the visit, the catalogs and notes are sent by courier, keeping the contacts and event information.

Factory visit

- Inspection of the factory and its conditions with on-site verification of production capacity, deadlines, requirements and quality.

Final product inspection

- Factory visit to personally check if production meets customer expectations.



- We support the development of specific products and customized parts, which require a high degree of certification and quality control.

Interested in any of our services? Explain your need or question and we will contact you!

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